Monday, June 16, 2008


Two things to hooray about...
FIRST, Andrew Has shown us that he has the ability to jump with both feet!! You have to realize that this is GREAT! He has never been able to clear both feet from the ground at the same time! He is so proud of his accomplishment and so are we. We see this as a HUGE step in his progress from his surgery. He tries to hop all the time now and he & Matthew have been playing hopping games on our kitchen tiles. (so cute)... To the average toddler, hopping with both feet usually happens around 4 years old. He is not too much behind but has had a really hard time with it. Matthew is not quite four yet but has been hopping for quite some time because we've been trying to "Teach" Andrew to do it. Matthew seems to catch on quite fast with things and mostly because he is observing us "teaching" Andrew to do things. Things that should come naturally to children. But since Matthew sees us, he tends to chime in that he can do it and loves to show off his skills... mostly for attention.

But anyway, the second bit of news is that Pyramids got the Revision from the State Education that they were looking for. you can read more on it at for more info. But in other words, Pyramids will be staying open and we plan to have both boys enrolled for the summer. Matthew will continue with Preschool next year there and full day child care... Andrew will be enrolled in their after school program and will get off the bus there after Kindergarten. We are so pleased that we will not have to look for other preschools or daycare. Thankfully this happened, because the other preschool that we considered enrolling Matthew next year is having some difficulties also. There has been some turmoil there surrounding a few teachers and thankfully we will not have to reconsider Again~ The boys will stay where they are for now. Hopefully Pyramids can raise some more funds to keep the programs going, since the State Education money still is not enough to keep them out of the "red" but having the revision does help offset those high costs of providing the excellent care that they do.

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