Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So we have been smoke free for almost 1 week!! Feeling a little sluggish but we're sure it will pass and it is all worth it. The withdrawal was minimal, but the "habits" are hard to break. Sometimes it just feels like you are forgetting something especially when you leave the house. It has even become so much of a habit to have a lighter in our pockets, that we find them end up there all the time. It's all just a reminder of how our lives were ruled by them. So our official quit date was February 14th, Valentines day. A day that will be easier to remember. We do not celebrate Valentine's day since we both agree that there should not have to be a holiday to remind each other to say "I love you". We feel it should be a part of EVERY day life. It's receiving flowers or a card on the random days that makes us awwe even more. The unexpected signs of love to keep us going. Those are the best reminders, not some silly holiday that some believe has nothing to do with love, but of death. here's an interesting link...
So anyway, so we will be celebrating "quit day" from now on!
It's a lot of work but it's worth hearing something like Andrew just said to me this morning "mommy, you smell like the laundry" I laughed and he said, "no like the dryer".... It's nice to know that I smell like the fabric softener in our clothes than the smoke from cigarettes! We have noticed that certain piecies of clothing and jackets still smell, so we will have to get them cleaned and rid them of that nastiness!

Aside from that, we've been trying to eat healthier and rid our bodies of toxins. I know, a long stretch in this day in age... but we are really going to try to eat more sensible. It's been hard with all the temptations, and having the boys who love their "snacks"... but we've been trying to encourage the healthier snacks which Andrew does not have an issue with... he just loves any food, but Matthew is a junk food junkie and will do anything to get a piece of chocolate, cookie or candy. But we're trying to stand our ground and detest the junk.

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