Saturday, January 26, 2008

Baby it's cold!!

It was a long week for us. The temperatures have dropped and the wind chill has kicked in. Last week it was warm enough to melt most of the snow along with some rain... but this week was downright cold with temperatures dipping into the single digits. Matthew went back to school for the full week and is pretty much back to normal now... although his voice has changed, we are happy so far with the results of his surgery. He has barely snorred since the mucous that was caused by the surgery has gone away. He has been sleeping much better this week, hardley waking up at all except when he had the 24 hour stomach bug. Ughhh, spaghetti & meatballs on cream carpet... not easy to get out.

Sean froze his buns off this week at work delivering in the extreme cold in Lake Placid. I had a long week at work since a co-worker had surgery, so I had to fill in the evening shifts that he normally works along with my regular hours. Lots of overtime this week and I feel like I've barely seen Sean or the boys.

Today Sean went to pick up our treadmill for Andrew to do therapy on, so he was gone all day 2 hours south of us to pick it up. He and a friend visited a furniture store while there so it took longer than expected. (imagine two men furniture shopping together! LOL) Anyway, Andrew loved getting onto the treadmill at full incline and even attempted to run on it. He did really well and hopefully I can find the time to get on it myself. With all this cold weather outside it is not very motivating to get out and get some exercise. With my Cholesterol through the roof, my doctor is looking to me to get it down with diet and get some exercise (real exercise... not chasing kids around) to help keep my heart healthy. I've turned to eating honey nut cheerios and granola as snacks instead of chips, and am trying the new smoothie by "Promise" that says it will help lower cholesterol. So we'll see how it goes at my follow up visit in February. If it does not come down with diet & exercise they will try some meds.

Speaking of meds, we'll be starting on Chantix this week.... things may be a bit rough for a while around here but in our hearts we know that it will be worth it! Sean smokes about 2 packs a day and it is time to quit! We're looking for all the support we can get and pray that this will be something that actually works for us. We're in this together and have a lot of support from co-workers & friends but anyone else out there that can offer up some advice, feel free to leave a message.

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